Today, I will attend the career changes conference organized by Occitanie Livre et Lecture. If you are an author too, you can contact me at this address.
Forensic science
I used the knowledge I had acquired by enrolling in Forensic Science (University of Singapore), it gave me the necessary elements to develop Fantastic L.A, even if it is about a fantastic story. This information still helps me in my writing.
Useful link: Forensic Science
Structuring of the story
When I write, my thoughts sometimes move vertically and other times horizontally. What I mean by this is that a chronology in time can be visualized horizontally and moved around, whereas a list of clues, for example, is best understood vertically. Using thought in motion allows you to apprehend the story in a different way.
Science Fiction contest results
As you know, I participated as a member of the jury in the science fiction prize organized by Anticiporg.
A collection of short texts has been published. It is available on the official website or on this page
Information and link to the Theater
When I work on an art project, I do researches. Some are directly related to the creative phase and others concern implementation. Here is an address to a platform offering support for live theatrical performances. You will find the link here.
Happy new year 2024
I send you my best wishes for the New Year. May it bring everyone peace, health and the joy of making new intellectual and cultural discoveries.
Yours sincerely,
Celine Valette
Extract of a conversation
Fantastic: There are several definitions of the word fantastic, you will find it more official and complete in a dictionary.
For my part, I would say that these are unexpected and unexplained events (strange, magical, supernatural etc.) taking place in a story. These strange events can sometimes be explained, but not always. Very often they appear singular and disturbing.
The fantastic questions its author as well as the public. Thus putting us face to face with a universal problem (our greatest fears for example) or specific (an element of society).
The characters will face them to defeat them or not.
Offer books during the holidays
Holidays seasons are a time of sharing with family or friends. And sometimes you want to buy an original gift. To offer a book could be a good idea.
My books on this page in digital format.
Digital book and accessibility
The 24th edition of the Digital Book Conference is dedicated to accessibility in the world of books.
To find out more click on the link.
Complexity of characters
If your first fictional characters are created with acceptable qualities and drawbacks, they are often close to a form of impossible perfection. It is only when you progress through your process that certain questions will arise for you. When writing the sequel to a novel, for example, my vision of the characters evolved. I felt able at that moment to make them more complex. It is a crucial stage in the evolution of writing.