Poll 2024

Digital editions aren’t in opposition to other publications. As part of a study that I am carrying out in a print-on-demand approach, I would like to have your opinion.

What format would you prefer?

  • 11 by 17 cm
  • 14.8 by 21 cm
  • 16 by 25 cm

What additional amount do you think is possible?

  • From 2 to 5 euros more
  • From 6 to 9 euros more

What type of paper?

  • It doesn’t matter
  • Recycled
  • Labeled recycled

What deadlines correspond to your expectations?

  • 1 to 2 weeks
  • Less than 10 days


You can contact me by email to give me your opinion and if you have any  suggestions.

Thank you in advance.

World book exchange service

On the site I approached several times different themes on the evolution of my profession. There is writing on the one hand but also the environment in which it is brought to move. A few months ago, I got a certificat following the follow-up of a course. It outlines the measures to be put in place for better accessibility of content within the specific framework of accessible books and publishing. A large set of concepts has been addressed in a general way. If you are wondering about this, the ABC consortium will provide you with more information.

Did you know that? there is a world book exchange service.

News around accessibility of digital books

As you know, I like to inform you from time to time about digital accessibility. On the site, some notions have already been mentioned about the possibilities it could offer.

Although there are still some efforts to be made, the consortium working for accessible books has published an article demonstrating that progress has been made in the digital field.

You can read the article by clicking on this link.

Some ideas for improvement

As an author, I often ask myself questions about my job. How will it evolve? Am I taking a qualitative approach?

Of course, environmental issues arise in any field of activity. Although digital printing uses the least paper, it still consumes energy.
Authors have a far greater influence than they think on the solutions implemented in the book trade. For example, as was the case in the UK, they can put pressure on publishers to be more transparent about the origin of printed paper and the conditions of reforestation.

That said, it’s by reflecting too on the consequences of mass production in the artistic field that certain ideas for improvement are born. To limit an impact, some solutions are better suited than others. In my opinion, print-on-demand, which has been around for several years now, is a process that should be given greater consideration.

Some links :

Website about fundings for shows/a>

Lightning source

Ecoedicio catala institute

A review on open edition

E-reader and accessibility

As part of the accessibility of digital books, the reading tool is very important. It must be adapted. Currently, very few e-reader models can both read text in audio and allow correct navigation. When I talk about navigation, I mean keys allowing you to move through the text and select actions indicated in the menu.
For my part, I tried a first model that was lent to me some time ago. He read the text of my book, which is quite astonishing and which, for people whose need arises, proves very useful function text to speech. Enlarging sans serif fonts is also an essential feature for reading digital books.

Meeting around large print publishing

The meeting around the edition in large print took place online on Thursday, March 28, 2024 on the website of Occitanie book and reading. It is part of the reading for all. This event brought together several professionals around a theme related to the accessibility of the book.

I participated in this meeting which seem interesting for the artists here is a little report on this subject. The interventions of several participants including a visual disability awareness association and a specialized publishing house.

One of the most important information for reading adapted books concerns the font used, its size and the fact that it is necessarily without serif. The text needs to be formatted (paragraph, leading, etc.) too. A font has been developed following several studies, firefly is available on this website.

The evolution of writing

As a professional, I think about the evolution of writing. And, of course, I ask myself all kind of questions to which I try to find a solution. They are not necessarily the best but having a vision of the future allow you to anticipate.
Here are three issues we should think about :

  • Digital accessibility
  • Paper recycling
  • DRM
  • As an author we can facilitate accessibility by offering files whose content is structured through the use of style sheets. Publishers will then be able to continue the accessibility process.

    Regarding the recycling of paper, there are labels that are more compliant than others, similarly vegetable inks are possible. That said, print on demand seems an alternative.

    Finally, DRM does not seem to me to promote the dissemination of a book for the public. Similarly, the multiplicity of formats according to a particular type of equipment restricts reading.

    © 2025 Céline Valette – Tous droits de reproduction, d’adaptation et de traduction réservés pour tous pays sans le consentement de l’Auteur (titre, modèle, illustrations, photos...etc).