Dystopia and Utopia

Currently I am working on several projects and actively preparing a professional book fair. In my journey, this led me to think about different subjects. In the field of science fiction, the literary form that we call dystopia is for many of us the opposite of utopia. And yet, utopia and dystopia have a form of complementarity. The themes they address are often very similar. For my part, I think that utopia and dystopia are interesting to explore. The two points that worry me on this subject are the dogmatism of the single thought that certain utopias would tend to present through the stories as well as the pessimism of the situations related in some of the dystopias

Thriller in the countryside

Screen of the ebook reader
Cover of the book

Recently, I read “In the factory of green thriller: ecopoetics and rurality

(Belphégor 2023) which collects several articles on the theme of crime fiction


It is not a novel, it is more of a study on the theme of the environment and the

detective novel.

If I’m talking to you about it today it’s because rurality is a concept which is still

associated with a certain form of cliché.

Not all the time fortunately.

Personally, I think this doesn’t make sense.

Reading this book gave me some thoughts that I share.

today with you in the hope that they will accompany you in your path.

In the green thriller, several subjects are addressed, notably the concept of

guilty space that I mentioned previously.

Several texts analyze how environmental issues fit into the narrative of a

detective novel and what are the specificities rural setting in a thriller.

A large place is given to American literature through the notion of

nature writing. However, a portrait of Western literature and particular aspect

of the Ukrainian detective novel is drawn up which is very interesting.

Meeting around large print publishing

The meeting around the edition in large print took place online on Thursday, March 28, 2024 on the website of Occitanie book and reading. It is part of the reading for all. This event brought together several professionals around a theme related to the accessibility of the book.

I participated in this meeting which seem interesting for the artists here is a little report on this subject. The interventions of several participants including a visual disability awareness association and a specialized publishing house.

One of the most important information for reading adapted books concerns the font used, its size and the fact that it is necessarily without serif. The text needs to be formatted (paragraph, leading, etc.) too. A font has been developed following several studies, firefly is available on this website.

The choice of characters

On this International Women’s Day, I reaffirm my support for all women. It’s a long fight for equality and although the progress is real, certain measures plunge it back into a certain form of archaism. Violence and discrimination have no place. And that for no one.
Writing, like any artistic form, reflects a part of the society that surrounds it and the impulse that an author gives in her story is a trace left.
For my part, the choice of characters was made in several ways. On the one hand, as I thought there were few female detectives in literature, I tried to create personalities along those lines. On the other hand, I made sure to maintain a certain logic to avoid falling into clichés.

Here are two excerpts from my fiction.

Beginning of the extract from Fantastic L.A. dialogue between the detective and one of the protagonists:

– Legend or not, what’s certain is that in the museum, there’s an indefinable presence that seems to protect what’s there.

– How do you know this?

– Gladys had mentioned it. All the employees knew that Fantastic L.A. had been set up in a building where a hold-up had been committed. Since the unsolved murder of one of the victims, unexplained events have been recurring.

– Have you seen or heard of a vampire kit acquired by the museum?

End of extract

Beginning of extract from Duel à Albi dialogue between the cinephile and a visitor:
The visitor stared at her intensely with a keen, deep gaze. Lydia in turn stared at him from head to toe, as if to make sure she wasn’t mistaken. She could detect no difference. It was indeed Gary Cooper, a Hollywood star of her childhood who had mysteriously crossed space-time to Albi.
End of extract


Forensic science

I used the knowledge I had acquired by enrolling in Forensic Science (University of Singapore), it gave me the necessary elements to develop Fantastic L.A, even if it is about a fantastic story. This information still helps me in my writing.

Useful link: Forensic Science

Structuring of the story

When I write, my thoughts sometimes move vertically and other times horizontally. What I mean by this is that a chronology in time can be visualized horizontally and moved around, whereas a list of clues, for example, is best understood vertically. Using thought in motion allows you to apprehend the story in a different way.

Information and link to the Theater

When I work on an art project, I do researches. Some are directly related to the creative phase and others concern implementation. Here is an address to a platform offering support for live theatrical performances. You will find the link here.


Extract of a conversation

Fantastic: There are several definitions of the word fantastic, you will find it more official and complete in a dictionary.
For my part, I would say that these are unexpected and unexplained events (strange, magical, supernatural etc.) taking place in a story. These strange events can sometimes be explained, but not always. Very often they appear singular and disturbing.

The fantastic questions its author as well as the public. Thus putting us face to face with a universal problem (our greatest fears for example) or specific (an element of society).

The characters will face them to defeat them or not.

© 2025 Céline Valette – Tous droits de reproduction, d’adaptation et de traduction réservés pour tous pays sans le consentement de l’Auteur (titre, modèle, illustrations, photos...etc).