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Fantastic L.A. by Céline Valette
Los Angeles 2011. A robbery is committed in Fantastic L.A., a museum where strange facts have been taking place for several months. Charlene Wright, a detective, is called to lead the investigation. She learns that the stolen objects belonged a legend born in Catalunyia in the nineteenth century. The enigma to be solved will bring Charlène Wright on adventurous and extraordinary paths.
Reissue. Fiction. Number ISBN. 978-29590937-1-5 (digital book, french version)
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Some reviews of our readers
“I really liked the character of Charlène Wright. The plot was fascinating! I hope the story will be in a style where the paranormal will be even more present. Can’t wait for the sequel.” Nathalie.
“I read the book twice. The first time, I thought I heard the author tell it to me as if she were next to it. I liked the balance between Historical Fiction and Fantasy.” Myriam.
“A very original plot. The book is easy to read and the author sets the decor and atmosphere correctly, with a pinch of the paranormal, just what is needed. For the details, I loved that she found a way to slip a text in Catalan into a novel that takes place in Los Angeles. Congratulations.” Tiphaine.
Where to buy it ?
On sales on this platform at the price of 7 euros : Fantastic L.A.
Duel à Albi by Céline Valette
Lydia is passionate about cinema and also atheist. While watching a film in Albi, she hears a knock on the door of her home. On the threshold a character whose resemblance to Gary Cooper leaves our character perplexed. While he offers her an invitation to a religious gathering, Lydia cannot help to wonder why he’s coming. She begins a conversation to discover her true identity. Each character will be confronted with their own ideas during the dialogues.
Reissue. Fiction. Number ISBN.978-29590937-0-8 (digital book, french version)
Where to buy it ?
On sales at this platform at the price of 1 euro : Duel à Albi