Jury for anticipation contest 2023

I am pleased to announce my contribution as a member of the jury for the 2023 anticipation competition. Organized by Les Utopies Extraordinaires, the contest will reward 3 Science Fiction short stories.
As an author, this experience allows me to discover new texts and to foster (at least I hope so) the emergence of new talents. Good luck to everyone.

Link to the anticiporg website contest.

The evolution of writing

As a professional, I think about the evolution of writing. And, of course, I ask myself all kind of questions to which I try to find a solution. They are not necessarily the best but having a vision of the future allow you to anticipate.
Here are three issues we should think about :

  • Digital accessibility
  • Paper recycling
  • DRM
  • As an author we can facilitate accessibility by offering files whose content is structured through the use of style sheets. Publishers will then be able to continue the accessibility process.

    Regarding the recycling of paper, there are labels that are more compliant than others, similarly vegetable inks are possible. That said, print on demand seems an alternative.

    Finally, DRM does not seem to me to promote the dissemination of a book for the public. Similarly, the multiplicity of formats according to a particular type of equipment restricts reading.

    © 2025 Céline Valette – Tous droits de reproduction, d’adaptation et de traduction réservés pour tous pays sans le consentement de l’Auteur (titre, modèle, illustrations, photos...etc).