Offer special day

On this special day, offer books to your friends(e)s and share around the culture and all your interests, share your emotions, your thoughts, your ideas around what a story (fiction or not) has inspired you. Find my two books at attractive rates on the site of the broadcaster, scan the codes below , here we go !

qr-code pour acheter Fantastic L.A. au format e-pub
qr-code du e-book Fantastic L.A.
qr-code pour acheter Duel à Albi au format e-pub
qr-code de Duel à Albi au format e-pub

For people using a link :

Page of my website to Fantastic L.A.

Page of my website to Duel à Albi

The table of contents

In a digital book, the table of contents or summary is very important, it helps to find a way and to navigate in a whole document. It’s the reason why this one should be structured and logical. When a e-book is created, this step is strongly recommended.

 a list of several chapters, a page of mercy and one about notes
This picture shows the second page of the table of content from Fantastic L.A
© 2025 Céline Valette – Tous droits de reproduction, d’adaptation et de traduction réservés pour tous pays sans le consentement de l’Auteur (titre, modèle, illustrations, photos...etc).