Catalan days 2024

During Catalan days, both Catalan identity and its history are celebrated. Far from the clichés too often conveyed, it covers different cultural aspects. As an author, I never felt trapped in the past in these places, quite the contrary. In each of my writings, I seek to connect to a city or another country and almost like magic it succeeds each time.

For Fantastic L.A, I started by reading an article related to a historical fact in local history. A point I developp in my masterclass. Then, perhaps because I write fiction and fantasy, I said to myself…what is the most improbable thing you could do? to this question my inner voice answered me: look for a distant town that might seem the opposite of Thuir. So I chose Los Angeles. That’s when I discovered that there are always more things that bring us together than we initially believe. Palm trees, Hollywood cinema and all other artists around the world.

photo of palm trees

I will be present on July 19, 2024 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Catalan days which will take place in Thuir at the Villa Palauda.

You will be able to discover my books and ask questions.

Free admission.

Here are the GPS coordinates to get there:

Latitude: 42.636787

Longitude: 2.7583

Program complete.

Here are some photos before my installation:

The authors sit down at their table and get to know each other
Participants put away their books and concentrate
Final preparations
In this photo I pose with two members of radio arrels, el periscopa (thanks to the person who accepted to take this photo and which is on the next one)
Radio members present at Visca day
One of the corners of the park

Thank you to the organizers, the circle of authors of 66 and the public.

It was a beautiful sunny day where we were surrounded by a natural area.

Dystopia and Utopia

Currently I am working on several projects and actively preparing a professional book fair. In my journey, this led me to think about different subjects. In the field of science fiction, the literary form that we call dystopia is for many of us the opposite of utopia. And yet, utopia and dystopia have a form of complementarity. The themes they address are often very similar. For my part, I think that utopia and dystopia are interesting to explore. The two points that worry me on this subject are the dogmatism of the single thought that certain utopias would tend to present through the stories as well as the pessimism of the situations related in some of the dystopias

Thriller in the countryside

Screen of the ebook reader
Cover of the book

Recently, I read “In the factory of green thriller: ecopoetics and rurality

(Belphégor 2023) which collects several articles on the theme of crime fiction


It is not a novel, it is more of a study on the theme of the environment and the

detective novel.

If I’m talking to you about it today it’s because rurality is a concept which is still

associated with a certain form of cliché.

Not all the time fortunately.

Personally, I think this doesn’t make sense.

Reading this book gave me some thoughts that I share.

today with you in the hope that they will accompany you in your path.

In the green thriller, several subjects are addressed, notably the concept of

guilty space that I mentioned previously.

Several texts analyze how environmental issues fit into the narrative of a

detective novel and what are the specificities rural setting in a thriller.

A large place is given to American literature through the notion of

nature writing. However, a portrait of Western literature and particular aspect

of the Ukrainian detective novel is drawn up which is very interesting.

Hollywood classics and literature

The classics of Hollywood cinema influenced the writing of my fiction Duel à Albi.

In the story, I refer to several films such as:

– Morocco

– The Devil’s Garden

– Friendly persuasion

The script of some films is inspired by literature.

– For Whom the Bell Tolls based on Ernest Hemingway’s novel

– Peter Ibbetson based on the novel by George Dumaurier

I chose evocative titles in line with the sassy tone of the dialogue. They thus participate in creating the fantastic dimension in which I wanted to immerse my short story and the public.

For the documentation part, I made an appointment at a film library to read some extracts from books which gave me some information.

biographies about film actors and actresses

Thank you to the film libray Jean Vigo.


© 2025 Céline Valette – Tous droits de reproduction, d’adaptation et de traduction réservés pour tous pays sans le consentement de l’Auteur (titre, modèle, illustrations, photos...etc).