World book exchange service

On the site I approached several times different themes on the evolution of my profession. There is writing on the one hand but also the environment in which it is brought to move. A few months ago, I got a certificat following the follow-up of a course. It outlines the measures to be put in place for better accessibility of content within the specific framework of accessible books and publishing. A large set of concepts has been addressed in a general way. If you are wondering about this, the ABC consortium will provide you with more information.

Did you know that? there is a world book exchange service.

Certification 2024

For several years, I have regularly participated in updating my knowledge. because I consider writing a profession. The specialization that I have just completed allows me to acquire new knowledge while offering me the possibility of supporting other authors in their projects. This is characterized, for example, by feedback and constructive criticism on their writings.

The team that awards this specialization is made up mostly of authors who have published more than a dozen award-winning novels and written articles in publications such as the New York Times, the Washington Post and O : The Oprah Magazine. A very enriching approach.

Today I received my certification and thank the entire team.

Link to certification

Festival of book and imaginary 2024

I will be present this Saturday, June 15, 2024 for the Book and Imaginary Festival all morning.

You can meet me at Latour Bas Elne avenue du Tech, place de la Fontaine.

You can discover my books through several extracts or ask me questions. An event for which I can’t wait to meet my audience.

couverture from the duel book in Albi

Cover from the book Fantastic L.A.

Several artistic disciplines will be brought together (Literature, Drawing, Music). On this occasion you will also be able to discover games as well as role-playing games.
The Book and Imagination Festival is organized in partnership with the city public library and the Catalan authors’ circle. Free admission.

Here are the GPS coordinates to get there:

Latitude 42.6021

Longitude 3.0029

Photos of the 15th of june 2024

view of the living room
Early morning in the book fair
The author valette céline
I sit in the shade of the trees
public library next to the book fair
advertising visual
On this insert is mentioned the comments from the readers of my books, there is also a poster representing the cover and a qrcode



Sant Jordi book fair 2024

I will be present this saturday 27th of april for the Sant Jordi in Torreilles (France).

You could meet me  in the morning till 11 hours. to discover my books.

cover of the book duel à Albi

cover of the book Fantastic L.A.

This event would happen with le cercle des auteurs catalans during les floralies chemin de Juhègues. Free admission.

GPS coordinnates to come :

Latitude 42.762618

Longitude 2.986588

Conversation with a writer at a club reading


Discover the plot

Friday December 16, 2022 I will be the guest of the club lecture at public library in Thuir at 5 p.m. When I come, I will meet the readers to speak about my book fantastic L.A. and reveal to them a part of elements from the writing process.

The club lecture proposes to the public the opportunity to discover new books and their selection from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., t. Don’t hesitate to join us.


I always liked public libraries. When I was a student at the university, they were a great place to make researches, learn and drink a coffee.
To meet a public at the club and to find my book Fantastic L.A close to the others authors was fun.

Thank you to the public library and club lecture member 🙂

Press review :

This article contains a text which includes elements of his biography, announces the release of the book the previous year and invites residents to come and meet him at the reading club.
Article published in 2022 concerning one of my books and my coming during a meeting with readers in the public library.

My photos

Photo de l'autrice
In the public library
Fantastic L.A. book
A lot of novels of writers

Alias or not ?

When you began to write to publish, this question comes to you. What are the reasons for using an alias? I think, they are of two kinds. The first is to preserve your anonymity, the other one to create a second identity.
There are situations where authors feel a danger by publishing under their real name. Let’s take the case of the denunciation of illegal or violent acts through a book, thus providing testimony as a victim (illicit activities within a company, by example).
In a different case, opting for a pen name is also the possibility of publishing texts in a new style. Some authors do this with the aim of testing a new audience. For my part, I wrote a first short story under a pseudonym. I didn’t want to reveal my name when posting at that time. Then I realized that I felt it was important for me Several years later, I replaced the pseudonym (used for my novel) with one of my surnames.

© 2025 Céline Valette – Tous droits de reproduction, d’adaptation et de traduction réservés pour tous pays sans le consentement de l’Auteur (titre, modèle, illustrations, photos...etc).