Thriller in the countryside

Screen of the ebook reader
Cover of the book

Recently, I read “In the factory of green thriller: ecopoetics and rurality

(Belphégor 2023) which collects several articles on the theme of crime fiction


It is not a novel, it is more of a study on the theme of the environment and the

detective novel.

If I’m talking to you about it today it’s because rurality is a concept which is still

associated with a certain form of cliché.

Not all the time fortunately.

Personally, I think this doesn’t make sense.

Reading this book gave me some thoughts that I share.

today with you in the hope that they will accompany you in your path.

In the green thriller, several subjects are addressed, notably the concept of

guilty space that I mentioned previously.

Several texts analyze how environmental issues fit into the narrative of a

detective novel and what are the specificities rural setting in a thriller.

A large place is given to American literature through the notion of

nature writing. However, a portrait of Western literature and particular aspect

of the Ukrainian detective novel is drawn up which is very interesting.

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